The Truth About ‘Normal’ Periods

In Chinese medicine, the uterus is considered an ‘extraordinary organ’ with remarkable strengths and sensitivities. One of its key sensitivities is to cold—whether from a chilly dip in the pool or overindulging in icy treats. Unfortunately, this sensitivity can show up in ways like cramping, clotting, heavy bleeding, or dull aches radiating down the legs.

I also experienced these symptoms and it has made me reflect on what many women in Australia are taught to accept as ‘normal’ when it comes to their periods. The truth is, much of what we’ve come to expect isn’t actually healthy, even though it is incredibly common. Let’s shift that perspective and discuss ways Chinese medicine can further support you on the path to better menstrual health.

The reality is that many common period-related symptoms are rarely discussed openly. When they are brought up in a GP’s office, the default suggestion is often the contraceptive pill. While the pill is an effective option for preventing pregnancy, it’s crucial to understand that it doesn’t resolve underlying issues—it simply suppresses symptoms by halting periods. Even the bleeding that occurs on the pill isn’t a true period; it’s a withdrawal bleed, which is not the same thing.

We live in a time where the goal seems to be eliminating periods altogether, as if no blood is the best blood. But here’s the truth: women are designed to bleed. A healthy period typically follows a 27-30 day cycle, lasts 3-5 days, and involves fresh red blood—neither too heavy nor painful. These periods exist, but they are influenced by factors like stress, diet, lifestyle, illness, and even the weather.

A healthy monthly period should be free-flowing, without clots or pain.

You deserve better care for your body and your cycle.

Premenstrual Symptoms :

  • Swollen, tender, or lumpier-than-usual breasts before your period

  • Irritability, heightened emotions, or frequent meltdowns

  • Severe anxiety, depression, or even intrusive thoughts*

  • Digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea—or the dreaded mix of both

  • Debilitating migraines

  • An increased sex drive (a rare but welcome silver lining!)

Menstrual Symptoms :

  • Pain: sharp, stabbing, or dull dragging aches in the abdomen, pubic bone, perineum, anus, thighs, back, or hips.

  • Heavy bleeding: gushing or flooding that requires changing pads, tampons, or cups every 1-2 hours, lasting from one intense day to up to 10 days.

  • Light or skipped bleeding: scanty bleeding lasting just 1-2 days or missing periods entirely.

  • Clots: ranging from tiny strings or mucousy blobs to large clots the size of a 50-cent coin that fall out suddenly when standing or using the toilet.

  • Digestive issues: constipation, diarrhea, or the unfortunate combination of both.

  • Unusual blood consistency: sticky blood that only appears when wiping.

  • Blood colour variations: shades from watery pink or brown to purplish or black.

Your period isn’t just something to endure, it’s a vital part of the natural rhythm of your body.

By paying attention to the colour, texture, and flow of your period, we can uncover valuable information about your overall health and work together to support an optimal, healthy bleed. Your menstrual cycle is a guide, not an obstacle, and I’m here to help you navigate it.


Migraines & Acupuncture